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What is a Coil?

What is a Coil?

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You can find them in every vape we sell, but still, not everyone knows what they are. So, what is a coil?

The coil is what makes your vape run. Not by itself, but without the coil, you're not getting any vapour.

Although every vape has a coil, not all coils are the same. You have different resistances for different wattages, different shapes for different types of atomisers, and then you have rebuildable coils.

First, we'll have a look at your standard starter kit coil. Inside the metal casing is a heating element surrounded by compressed cotton.

Your e-liquid is suspended inside your tank, and the small holes on the side of the metal casing allow the e-liquid to soak through the cotton, the heating element heats up and vapourises the e-liquid that has soaked into the cotton.

From here, things get a bit complicated. For every tank there are a number of different premade coils you can install, varying in resistance and recommended watts.

Double check the "Minimum Resistance" of your mod, you can't use coils with a resistance below this.

Now, this is my favourite part. If you have a Rebuildable Dripping Atomiser (RDA), Rebuildable Tank Atomiser (RTA) or Rebuildable Tank Dripping Atomiser (RDTA), you can build your own.

You may have seen people who have made a hobby out of coil building on Instagram, or Facebook, but they don't have to be fancy.

The one you can see to your right is an old coil of mine, it took hours to get this right. And is completely unnecessary.

But they work in the same way that your premade coils do, you wick the cotton through the coil, and prime with e-liquid. The heating element heats up and vapourises the e-liquid on the cotton, but in the case of RDA's, there is no chamber holding the e-liquid, so you are constantly replenishing it yourself.

This may seem like a bit of drama for not much gain, but when you're building your own coils you have more variability, depending on the type of wire you use, and how you put it together creates all new vaping experiences.

But we're going to wait until next week to look into that.

Until next time!


  • Hi Rita,

    Most coils last roughly 2 weeks, however this depends on many factors so will vary widely from user to user, and it depends on the device you are using.
    After a week or so your coil will start to develop a burnt taste, and once you think it tastes gross, change it to a fresh coil.

    We are currently looking at new bottles that have a longer nib so hopefully you will see them soon!

    Hamish on
  • How often should I change the coil and how do I know if it needs changing, also I wish the squeezy things on the bottles were a bit longer or the filling part on the tank was a smidge wider, I find it hard not to make a mess.

    Rita Franklin on

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